Bravo 3 drive props ( timing )

I removed my props for conditioning, now I’m ready to Re-install. Someone told me they need to be timed??? in synce?? Does anyone have any info on this? He said the engine won’t reach proper rpm? Any info would be helpful.
Thanks for that Sabr. It looks like there is something to this theory of timing. The second link, the install steps, just said align the splines on the prop and the ones on the shaft. ( wondering if it’s more complex than that. ). Unless there is a key way ? Need to take A closer look at both the shaft and props, once this north East weather gets a little warmer.
There is no keyway, and I never bothered to align the props. However, I'm interested if there is something here. I just figured they were counter rotating the whole time so what would be the point of aligning anything?
I've had both Bravo III and Volvo Duoprop and never have aligned anything. I do not know of any way to align them as whatever you align will change once the props turn. Maybe I can learn something new.