Long Island Sound Events


New member
Hey All if you know of any gatherings or happenings on the sound post them. Let's represent our brand in proper fashion.
We always go to the Great Bonac firework show sponsored by the clamshellfoundation.org It's in Three Mile Harbor in the Hamptons. Always a great time.
This year is July 13.
We raft up. Last year there was 17 boats in the raft. There are a bunch of marinas in there but I've never stayed at one.
WOW 17 now that's a raft up! There is a group that rafts up in Port Jeff from our area and they have gone with 14 boats at a time its quite the spectacle! As soon as everyone gets relaxed somebody's gotta pull out.
3 mile.jpg

Couldn't fit them all in the picture!! We normally don't raft with that many but once or twice a year it's quite the blowout.