Quicksilver 7.5 (The ol' dinosaur!)

Formula Tenn

New member
This 7.5KW Generator has been pretty reliable but lately we are starting to have some issues and was wondering if anyone might be able to help me shed a little light on it. It seems that Kohler is what most have in the newer boats but I'm hopeful some of the "vintage" owners might can help. She runs fine for various lengths of time, anywhere from 1 hour to upwards of 3 hours and for no obvious reason it TRIES to die. I say "tries" because rather than simply dying, it will attempt to restart on it's own. I've never run across a generator that would actually try to restart itself, is this common?? So it runs for a while, tries to die, tries to restart a few times and then eventually dies. It usually will not restart immediately but typically it WILL restart after an hour or more. I typically run the blower at all times when the genset is running and have never had an issue with vapor lock. Anybody got any insight on this issue with this particular model?
