Sharking 7-17-2006


New member
Went sharking with Dave on Cruise Control yesterday. Dave, Al, Myself, my father, and brother.

Left the dock at 5am, stopped for chum and to top off.

Pea soup fog.....slow going for quite a'll see how bad the fog was in the pics that will follow!

Tried locating some Tuna on the way out to have some fun with, but with the pea soup fog, it made it tought o locate birds or fish. Found some strong breaks, one was 11 degrees! Yes, 11 DEGREES!

I think the highest we hit was 76 degrees.....Dave correct me if I'm wrong?

Headed for a spot to set up. Nice break there, about 3 degrees. Whales full breaching, birds, clear blue water, man-o-wars, weed-line with the break.

Set up for sharking. Had Mahi-Mahi to the boat but they'd run before we could cast to them. Had another whale breach while we were there.

Not one pull the whole time we were there! Was amazing.....first time I personally have been skunked sharking :?

We did everything right but the water there held nothing yesterday in the way of toothy critters, not even blue dogs.

I think now that the 4 degree warmer water that pushed in had something to do with it. It was 4 degrees warmer and "different" life than 2 days prior.

Beautiful day out anyway, we had a good time regardless, and it beat a day at work any day!!

It's called "Sportfishing", not "Sportcatching" :)

Here are the pics.......






