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  1. F

    NMEA 0186 to 2000

    Hi My 2017 330CBR is rigged with NMEA 0186. It has a few wonky things about the way it is configured (wifi that's useless, VesselView Link that's not used but continually nags to be upgraded, which can only be done by opening the dash it seems, engine telemetry not routed to Raymarine eS98...
  2. F

    Removing brown water stains

    Hi I live on the Magothy off the Chesapeake and we're experiencing a "mahogany tide" (prorocentrum minimum--an algae). Due to low tides and lots of use, I left the boat in the water for 2 days (off the lift). Now the hull is tea-stained below the waterline. Neighbor told me it's the "Magothy...