NMEA 0186 to 2000


New member
My 2017 330CBR is rigged with NMEA 0186. It has a few wonky things about the way it is configured (wifi that's useless, VesselView Link that's not used but continually nags to be upgraded, which can only be done by opening the dash it seems, engine telemetry not routed to Raymarine eS98, etc.). Saw Boatrax recently and it looks interesting, but by default is NMEA 2000. They have bridge to 0186 but I worry that the functionality will be crippled in that config).

Long wind-up to ask: has anyone upgraded their bus from 0186 to 2000? Was it worth it?


2017 330 CBR
Middle Chesapeake Bay
What is actually wired with 0186?

With the vessel view link warning, I think it is infact hooked up to something otherwise it wouldn't work. The VVL is nmea2000.
Do you have a vessel view display?