37 PC 12V recept in cabin?


Does your 37 PC have a 12V cig recept as shown below? It surely isn't sticking out for me or its time for new glasses. Got one in cockpit but hard to believe not in cabin.

My 2003 37PC does too. Right in the forward bulkhead facing forward on the left side. It is wired from inside the closet. I do not have the bulkhead wall, you may. I changed out the cig for dual USB ports and added an identical one on the right side of the bed.

There is also one in the aft cabin above the stbd side cushion (that houses our central vac) next to the 115v and phone connection.

Thanks guys but I gave it another look this morning. I was hoping I overlooked it but I was pretty thorough and don't see it on my year. I see the 120VAC recept and phone jack on port side under the bed but no 12V recept. I will check with TAG