Adding a Cockpit Isotherm Refrigerator

Alec A

A question on adding a cockpit refrigerator. I am still in the search for a new to me Formula 350SS. I saw one listed, but the owner listed the vessel with not having an electric fridge in the cockpit. The photos in his listing show a piano hinge door where normally the Isotherm cockpit refrigerator is. Has anyone ever added a fridge back in to a boat when it didn?t come that way from the factory? I think the issues are a few: 1) Power routing to the back of the fridge, 2) Adding a push button breaker if there is a blank on the push button breaker panel by the helm, and 3) If the fridge trim will cleanly cover the frame location if I remove the piano hinge swinging door. Certainly, I have asked for a photo of the push breakers by the helm to see if there was a fridge at one point. Can anyone PM me the page from the Electrical Wiring Diagram Manual so I can confirm how I would add one? I think that since some of the Isotherms are AC/DC fridges, I would have to have run an a/c circuit with a plug over there as well as a DC line for the fridge. I know the fridge model number that I had on my last boat and it was a dual AC / DC. I know also that Isotherm makes a DC only model as well as frost freeze units. Any help that someone what has this experience is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Alec