Bottom paint once more....

Formula Tenn

New member
someone posted about some kind of coating they used or were gonna try using on their dinghy bottom. i've searched but cant find it, seems like it was some kind of new product, maybe a nano coating of some sort. can someone enlighten me? working on a new storage set up that will be overhead with block and tackle but still wanna look at protection options.
someone posted about some kind of coating they used or were gonna try using on their dinghy bottom. i've searched but cant find it, seems like it was some kind of new product, maybe a nano coating of some sort. can someone enlighten me? working on a new storage set up that will be overhead with block and tackle but still wanna look at protection options.

This was it, I think:
i don't believe that is the one i was looking for. it may have been lost in the move. seems like someone had tried or was gonna try a new product that was some kind of nano coating on their dinghy. i just cant remember what it was. poo poo!!
Yes the products are by Aurora. Haven't done the fiberglass bottom on tender yet but did apply to underside of my swim platform, which on the 45 sometimes with full fuel ,group of people coupled with the larger Volvo s is in the water. Surface was very slick after cleaning and product applied. Time will tell, will do tender within next month or so
my bad, i believe you did give me the correct link skip. it was the Aurora VS721 Bottom coat that i was looking at. i wanna try it on our dink for the summer. hopefully using this stuff plus dry storing at the dock (block & tackle rigging to hang from rafters) will keep it in much better shape that what we had to deal with last year. thanks guys!