Mysterious Key


New member
2009 31 PC. I have keys to the ignition, keys to the cabin door and a key to the breaker panel. I also have another key, which is a tad smaller than the key to the cabin door with a key number of 831. Anyone have ANY idea what it could be for? I spent an hour tonight and cannot figure it out. Its driving me crazy.
The axius is great. It took me about 20 mins or so to get use to it. When you first start using the axius, you automatically start reaching for the throttles/steering due to old habits are hard to break. But once you trust it and get use to how sensitive the joy stick is, you can truly make the boat do anything you want. I am amazed at the technology of it. I was practicing at the fuel dock the other day while it was closed. I was making the boat crab sideways and then when I got close to fuel dock, a little twist of the knob and bow comes in gently so the crew can grab the line, then twist the knob the other way, the stern comes gently in. When your done, simply press the joy stick sideways to the right and no need for a push off, even against current.

Still looking for a thought about what this key (I have four of them with number 831) is for. Anyone?
Wow, beats me...there simply is no other locks on our boat. (At least that I've found yet)

Could it be a blank key for "something" ?
Well I contacted Formula and they already got back to me within an hour. I am always amazed at the great service TAG provides. Anyway, the rep told me that they speculate that this key is to another boat and was given to me on accident. He stated that keys with 3 digits on them are typically to the cabin, but Formula does not use a key with number 831 on it. I shall stop looking.
Quitter!!! :p

Seriously, I finally sold my 91 early last week. For the six years I owned that boat I carried a key around that didn't fit anything on the boat. I passed the key to the new owner. I believe it had number 831 on it!