PPF. testing above and on water line - Avoid tannin stains?


Well-known member
So, every summer my boat turns from nice white to brown from the tannin in the bay. and that's gross.
So, for fun I got $10 worth of PPF, and applied it a few areas and will update this thread in the summer and fall.
I also put some on the air intake where the water hoses lay when I'm flushing the engines, so it stops leaving green/black marks on the white air intake. If it holds up, I'll redo it better with a larger uncut piece.
I use PPF on my car, and love the stuff, doing it myself saves a ton of money, and I think I've gotten fairly good at it, long as it's warm enough to do it.

Anyway, I did a spot on the stern, solidly under water, and an area that turns brown.

I did some on the side, trying for some above and below the water line - will it hold up to a 70 MPH top speed?!

And for fun, I put a bit on the side of the lower unit! Will it stick at 70 MPH? Stay turned! for the barely exciting results!

PPF is huge on cars and I think hey, maybe it could work for a boat? Would it stop hull growth? or can you just peel it off?
These questions and more may be answered. or maybe not. Either way it was $10 and gave me something to do for 20 min.

The PPF in real life is much less visible, especially from more than 2-3' away. It's visible here because it's wet and I'm trying to get it in the photo.
