Shore power


So tied into shore power 1 with transfer switch. Running both fridges, a/c, battery charger, hot water( for awhile),lights,water, head pump...when I disconnect,L female slot is scorched....
happened at my dock two months ago on shore power with only a/c on humidity setting and battery charger on...replaced that cord with 30 a eel and that has been fine...going to replace boats male outlet
any other comments? 2005 31 pc
been a heck of a summer. Fuel module on starboard went, had repaired,lucky to get lower container and pumps, bay testing the repair and port engine gimbal bearing froze, mechanic brought me the bellows- no hole, not sure how it filled with water...he did say glue was kinda light...
of course good idea to replace port fuel module. Found one of three in stock..