Ultra leather stains


New member
How do I get blue ball point mark off the ultra-leather in the cabin sofa? i have tried dilute soap and water but i am concerned about trying anything harsher. Formula web site mentions using Fantastic spray but this is not going to work on ball point mark.
Damp Clorox "Magic" Eraser followed by a damp cloth and then wipe dry.

Just rub the "Magic" Eraser over the spot pressing fairly light and the spot will simply disappear....
Well we have just did the same thing.
i tried all the stuff that was not scary none of them work.
I had a vinyl guy at the boat for a few digs in the cockpit
Seating. He used a small amount of acetone.
I do not think i am spelling right.
it did not hurt the ultra leather. All pens are now banned
Acetone or Mineral Spirits on a white paper towel or white cloth should do the job After its cleaned off wipe it over with windex to get rid of the chemical smell.
Try Hair spray it works on cloth, all other chemicals will slightly melt the vinyl. also got to here for help from MFG


Recommended Ballpoint Pen Removal Instructions
? Wipe the stain off with isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) as soon as possible
? Rinse with water
? Air dry
*While the foregoing instructions have proven to work in many cases, especially in which ink stains are addressed immediately, not all ink stains can
be removed.
denatured alcohol / acetone 50/50 mix in a spray bottle makes for a great less aggressive spotter for many things but i have never tried it on upholstery. I know this mix will remove sharpie permanent marker from counter tops with ease. I use my shop counter as a scratch pad and this cleans it all right off.
My five year old left some ballpoint pen marks on my ultraleather. The rubbing alcohol worked completly, but with a lot of rubbing. Looks like new again!
Ballpoint Pen Removal Instructions (provided by Ultrafabrics, LLC 400 Executive Boulevard, Elmsford, NY 10523) back in 2007:

1. Wipe the stain off with Ethanol (rubbing alcohol).
2. Prepare a solution of 50% non-chlorinated bleach / 50% water.
3. Place a thin line of tissue over the ink stain.
4. Apply the non-chlorinated bleach solution to the tissue. Be sure not to over saturate the tissue.
5. Cover tissue with polethylene film (plastic wrap) to prevent the non-chlorinated bleach solution from drying
6. Check on stain repeatedly.
7. Do not leave the non-chlorinated bleach solution for more than 1 hours.
8. When the stain looks almost gone, remove the tissue and wash the satin with water.
9. To neutralize the bleached area, place tissues on the bleached area and apply 15% hydrogen peroxide solution.
10. Leave on for 30 minutes, and then remove the tissues.
11. Remove the peroxide residue with water.

This reads like War & Peace doesn't it.....
Sounds too much like surgery, I don't doubt any of it because it is sooo specific. Good Luck to all ball point pen accident victims!
So I tried hairspray - did not do a thing but did not make it worse. The ink stain is now several weeks old. I tried alcohol - no result and again did not make things worse. Tried white magic pad and again not successful. Fortunately the area is small and I am considering taking another ball point pain and creating some permanent art work.
So it might have to do with age....BUT, I had a similar incident this weekend.

My son...found my wife's purse, and found an OPEN ball point pen. He then designed quite a LARGE piece of artwork on the cabin ultraleather seats.

I tried - in order

1) water - nothing
2) all purpose cleaner - nothing
3) magic eraser - a little bit of removal
4) magic eraser with all purpose cleaner - moved a bit more

HAD nothing else to try, so now I am PANICED as I still have a LARGE design on my seats.

A buddy heard my cries and said try some Aerosol Spray Sun Tan Lotion at least 30 SPF (I questioned him only momentarily, but figured what do I have to lose)

GUESS WHAT - Instantly the pen started to lift...I sprayed it on, rubbed it in with my finger and the stain was lifting. After a couple wipes with a paper towel, it was 100% gone.

Have no idea what in there did the trick...but it worked and good as new.

Perhaps the timing has something to do with it, but dang it worked.
And now your leather will have 30SPF to block any sunlight from doing damage such as fading and cracking. It was a win for you!! Just another reason to have tanning lotion on board. I guess all pens are banned from the boats now. Ipads are easier anyway, and they will be better to entertain the kids!!! Clueless
That's great TF. Who'da thunk it? Now lock those pens up! ;D

On a similar note, I had a paint crew get a dime size spot of bottom paint on my cockpit seating this spring. Once I discovered it, it was dry. With a little elbow grease and a few sprays of WD-40, it was gone.
clueless said:
Where in the cockpit does the bottom paint go? I don't think I have it in mine, unless its white. Clueless

I hear ya. I said the same thing. :mad: Somebody doing work inside the boat had a little paint on them somewhere, and they "shared" it with my cockpit seating.