Water Tank 1995 31PC

Home Aweigh II

New member
I've developed a water leak under the forward berth. It's either the water tank itself or a waterline.
I've removed all the visible screws under the mattress and am unable to uncover the water tank and lines. I'm at a loss for what to do next.
i would put some water in the tank and see if you can see a leak. or if you can pressurize the tank with air that may help find the leak. or lift the tank up on top of the bed frame and inspect.

thats where i would start.

question, can you get the tank out of the boat door?
Thanx for the advice. I finally figured out how to get at the tank for inspection and found the leak in the water line between the water tank and the galley sink. Replaced it and the system pressurized.
I didn't measure the tank to check if it would go thru the doorway.
On some of the older PC's the bow pulpit leaks, and water runs down infront and under the V bunk, water tank area. Given the impression of a tank leak. I had to re-encapsulate the whole area on our 89' and reseal from the top also.

Thanx for the info, I'll check it out as another source of unwanted water.

I found a leaking water line between the tank and the galley sink.