Imron Repair

I used a black 1 inch Sharpie Perm Marker for temp fix...worked great. Even used it for the faded bomar hatches rings too... now I need to match the gray imrom strip...that will be hard.
I had some scrapes fixed by a company that does imron but they matched the color using a computerized auto paint matching (less $$ ) until I'm ready to do a full repaint and unless I showed you the spot you wouldn't see it. That was 3 years ago. Not bad way to go if you don't want to put a lot of $$ at this time.
Waterdog2,Where are you located? I have several chips on bow when previous owner ran with anchor hanging down that I need repaired. I am meeting a guy next week( if weather ever gives us a break here in Jersey) to review and get a quote.
Waterdog2,Where are you located? I have several chips on bow when previous owner ran with anchor hanging down that I need repaired. I am meeting a guy next week( if weather ever gives us a break here in Jersey) to review and get a quote.

Even though I am far away....let me know (PM is ok) what you found...I found a guy, but he wanted almost $1K for 3 minor I still have minor dings.
